Important Update – Coronavirus (17th March 2020)

Update on Jen Benson Pilates Class Policy with regard to Coronavirus

Hi everyone,
With things seeming to be spiralling from one day to the next I think it is important to know where we stand.  Having had a good think about things today and seeking advice from Public Health England, my insurer and other Pilates colleagues, I feel it is timely to update you on my current stance and offer some hopefully reassuring advice.
We are all hopefully as individuals maintaining our responsibilities in relation to regular hand washing and self isolation in the event of feeling unwell.  I am sanitising my Pilates equipment daily and all the venues I use have hand washing facilities and sanitiser is provided.  We are receiving daily updates from the Government and in this ever changing situation we are certainly anticipating difficult times ahead.

I would have liked to continue in a “business as usual” manner with utmost regard for everyone’s health as this is obviously my priority as a health and fitness professional.  After all being fit and healthy is the best defence for our bodies against viruses.  Avoiding stress is one of the best ways to bolster our immune systems.

BUT some of the venues I use for my community classes have unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to close their doors to external visitors and/or members of the public meaning that I am unable to hold some of the classes on the timetable.  This obviously changes things and has meant a re-think about how to proceed.


Timetable Update – This week (week commencing 16th March)

Monday 12pm Gold Medal Travel – cancelled until further notice (venues discretion)
Monday 6.45pm Your Physiotherapy @ St Catherine’s Hospice – cancelled until further notice (venues discretion)
Tuesday 9.45am at St Aidan’s church hall went ahead today and we proceeded with a group of 10 clients.  Everyone was keen for continuation so (unless regulation changes) I aim to run this class again next week.
Thursday 9.45am St Paul’s church hall will go ahead (unless between now and then I hear different)
Thursday 6pm & 7.15pm St Paul’s Primary School – cancelled until further notice (venues discretion)


I fully advocate continuing with exercise and am worried that social isolation will have a huge negative impact on many people.

SO, frustration, sadness and anxieties aside I have decided to offer an opportunity to access your Pilates classes online.

Having spoken to colleagues it seems that this will be the only way forward that keeps everyone safe AND exercising at the same time.  I will endeavour to get this up and running as soon as possible and am yet to finalise the details.  I envisage a weekly subscription that will cost the same as your class fee but provides unlimited views of a teaching video.  I feel passionate about our team and am not prepared to just “down tools”.  I am completely out of my comfort zone with this and have never recorded myself teaching before.  I really want to keep us going!!

Virtual Pilates is coming!!

For your physical health, mental health and general well-being, it has never been more important to keep moving. This is going to be new and different.  Let’s be positive and give it a try.

The aim is to receive the same level of advice and support in the way of options, adaptations and progressions as you do in class.  The videos will be accessible at your leisure so you can do the class at home at your convenience.
Obviously should you need any further advice you can give me a call.

In a difficult time we need to support one another and I’m here in any capacity that I can.  If you need me, please reach out, I’m here.

Sending love, stay well
Jen xx

PS – I’m not sure what to do about the workshops just yet.  I’ll keep you updated nearer the time for each one.