When your body has spent nine whole months developing, nurturing and carrying a new life it is really important not to underestimate the immense changes that your body goes through on this amazing journey.

There is an awful lot of pressure on women in this day and age, particularly from social media and celebrities to regain pre-pregnancy shape and portray a “supermum” lifestyle. This unrealistic expectation can mean that some of us are rushing back into exercise after giving birth much too quickly.  Returning to fitness should be a long term goal and the type of exercise that you participate in should be suitable, sensible and safe to avoid the risk of long term physical and health problems.  If rushed, it can result in setbacks.  Allowing a qualified post natal Instructor to guide you through the initial post natal period will ensure effective, safe results with a good understanding of specific post natal exercise.  On your discharge from hospital, you will have been given some gentle exercises to start soon after the baby is born.  This course is designed to develop on from those gentle exercises and get you moving again.

Pilates brings together body and mind, focusing strongly on concentration, balance, precision and breathing.  The class is managed so that exercises link and flow.  Pilates is used widely by physiotherapists and lends itself to being adapted for both pregnancy and post natal recovery.

“I found post natal Pilates fabulous!! I could feel my muscles working from the first class! Jen talked through each move clearly whilst not going to fast/slow and made the class so interesting, explaining what muscle response you should feel and where!” Tracey


What other benefits can I expect from a post natal Pilates recovery course?

Whether your motivation is to lose weight, get out of the house or meet new mums and babies, there are LOADS of reasons why regular exercise at this point in your life can be beneficial.  Your body needs you to help it recover.  Getting to know your baby and the new routines can be overwhelming and incredibly challenging BUT it’s also a very rewarding time.  There’s clear evidence for the benefits of post natal exercise which can be grouped into physical and psychological.

Posture / Functional capacity benefits

  • Improved lumbopelvic stability
  • Correction of pregnancy posture in spine and pelvis
  • Strengthen weakened muscles
  • Lengthen muscles that have shortened
  • Readdress of muscular imbalances
  • Increased awareness of posture whilst feeding / lifting / carrying
  • Increased awareness of all matters pelvic floor

Health / Wellbeing benefits

  • Increased strength and endurance for daily activities
  • Improved circulation and healing
  • Improved body composition (less body fat)
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Reduced fatigue / Increased energy levels
  • Boosted immune system

Psychological benefits

  • Reduced instances of post natal depression
  • Enhanced relaxation
  • Greater emotional wellbeing
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Increased social interaction
  • Enhanced self confidence
  • Increased personal satisfaction

Still not sure? 

Let me try and reassure you.  I’m a mum myself, I’ve had 3 babies and I understand to some extent what your body is going through.  I understand the importance of safe, effective exercise and have experienced that personally throughout my own post natal recovery.

On a personal level I can empathise, sympathise and advise on anything you might want to talk to me about.  On a professional level, I have a VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Instructing mat-based Pilates, Designing exercise programmes for Pre and Post natal clients, and I’ve been teaching Pilates since 2014.  I’m fully insured.  I’m a great believer in bringing people together to exercise, it motivates, it inspires and you may well make some new friends along the way.  Invest in yourself.

“I really enjoyed the course, it was great to have an hour doing something for me for a change! But also lovely that I could bring baby along too. I find Pilates a great way to clear my mind and relax, something I don’t often get chance to do any more.”  Lucy

Check out the next available course dates and get in touch to book on.  Feel free to call me if you’d like to discuss anything in more detail.


A post natal recovery course will help you to be fit for purpose!! It’s hard work being a new mum and you need to be fit and strong to cope with the demands of your new lifestyle and newborn baby.  Everyone is susceptible to the stresses and strains that pregnancy can present to our bodies.  This is your opportunity to look after yourself and set the foundations for a healthy, functional, active life with your new addition.

After the initial recuperation and healing stage that follows childbirth, hormone levels normalise and your body is ready to be guided through safe and effective exercise.  This course will focus specifically on the major changes that have occurred to the postural structures of the body and the continual changes that are still ongoing in the early stages following childbirth, particularly if you are breastfeeding.

There is a huge focus on postural awareness, muscle control and potentially reducing the separation of the tummy muscles where necessary.  For some women, a diagnosis of “Diastasis Recti” may be given where complete separation has occurred.  In some cases this split will recover on it’s own, for others it requires careful progressions through a well-designed exercise programme to bring the sides of the muscles back together.

Risk factors regarding the effects of the hormone relaxin are taken into consideration.  Relaxin is the hormone that allows muscles and ligaments to stretch during pregnancy and it can stay in your body for up to 6 months after baby is born and for longer if breastfeeding, therefore particular care is given to potential lack of stability in the joints when exercising as the body is vulnerable.

Significant musculoskeletal changes to your body are common in late pregnancy.  Due to the progressive, increased weight of the baby in the abdomen the lumbar curve increases and pulls the pelvis forwards, the upper back begins to compensate by rounding forwards at the shoulders creating numerous problems.  Pilates will encourage a return to neutral spine alignment and improved posture.  This helps to alleviate lower back and pelvic pain.

The course will focus on the journey back to the pre-pregnancy body with particular consideration for poor lumbopelvic stability, reduced joint stability and postural changes.  Slow, controlled movements will re-educate incorrect muscle patterns and muscular imbalances such as stretched, weakened abdominal wall and shortened lumbar spine muscles.

Range and speed of movement, alignment and technique during all exercises will be closely monitored at all times.  You will follow a gradual session plan over the six weeks with a view to hopefully being suitable to attend a regular Pilates class at the end.


How soon after childbirth can I do the post natal Pilates recovery course?

Women should not commence formal exercise until they have had a post natal check up from their GP, normally 6 weeks after the birth.  This may be at 8-10 weeks following a caesarean section or if there were other complications during the delivery.  If you’re not sure, just ask and get yourself booked in if they haven’t contacted you.

Who is the course aimed at?

This course is aimed at new mums who have had their post natal check up and with babies up to approximately 6 months old.

Can I bring my baby with me?

Absolutely!! Baby is welcome but you remain responsible for them during the class.  They can come into the room in a buggy or car seat or you may lay them on a mat next to you.  You will not specifically be exercising with your baby.  You can feel comfortable to feed, change baby as necessary knowing that everyone is in the same boat!  I’m happy to push a pram if needs be.

There are baby changing facilities at the venue and we have access to a kitchen.

Course Information

Limited to 10 places.
Detailed session plan included so that you can work at home in between classes.
£45 for all 6 sessions, payable in advance on booking.
Payment by PayPal or BACS transfer.

St Aidan’s Church Hall
Station Road, Bamber Bridge, PR5 6QL
Free Parking at the rear

Every client will receive a £5 Gift Voucher for Valley Coffee.
This beautiful coffee house is just next door to the class venue and is a great space to meet with friends for a coffee and a cake!  They are very family friendly and there’s loads of space for prams.

You can also book onto the January 2020 course.  The dates for this course will run for 6 weeks from 7th January until 11th February.

* Message me through my Facebook page
* Call me on 07872 513059
* Email to book your place and/or discuss your suitability.


Date Time
10/9/2019 11:00 – 12:30
17/9/2019 11:00 – 12:00
24/9/2019 11:00 – 12:00
1/10/2019 11:00 – 12:00
8/10/2019 11:00 – 12:00
15/10/2019 11:00 – 12:00




+44 7872 513059


266 Croston Road, PR26 6PN