Happy New Year everyone!

I know it can be difficult to find motivation, to make time, especially with busy work and family schedules, but I truly hope you can find some inspiration to make your health a priority this New Year. I’ve kicked off with a New Year’s Day 5K run and blown away some cobwebs.
We spend so much time and energy focused on other “things” that we tend to overlook the importance of our own physical well-being, which then causes more health-related problems and stress.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

I can’t wait to get back to classes and get back into our routine of regular Pilates.  I love the way Pilates has become the centrepiece of all my activities.

  • Pilates compliments all my high impact exercise by providing a good strong core and posture to protect my back.
  • Pilates lengthens and tones the muscles giving my body a leaner appearance
  • Pilates helps me to be more mindful.  The breathing techniques we learn during Pilates helps me to release tension and de-stress.

Keeping active comes easily to me and I truly enjoy participating in anything that gets me out of the house and burning calories but sometimes thinking about what to do and lingering over the decisions may mean that we sometimes take the “easy” option.  It can take a little time to change your mindset.  Exercise doesn’t have to be hard or unbearable.  A workout should make you feel good, give you energy and helps to keep you focused.  Be open minded and allow yourself to enjoy a new activity.

New Year Resolutions – a little help

I know many of you will have some New Year resolutions about your health and fitness.  Here’s a few tips on how to be successful:

  • The first step is to be realistic about what is achievable so that you will reach your goal.
  • A great tip is to break things down into smaller chunks, write the smaller goals down in your diary and reward yourself along the way.  Setting dates against your smaller targets gives you a workable timeframe.
  • Reward yourself but try not to choose food treats – get yourself some new gym gear or a new pair of trainers instead!  Knowing that you are going to treat yourself when you achieve is a wonderful incentive.

What should my New Year Resolution be?

Whatever you want it to be!  There are lots of ways you can make a small change to achieve results.

Here’s my Top 10 ideas:

  1. Make a food switch – try having a healthier breakfast.  Choose porridge with some fresh berries on top instead of that bowl of sugary cereal.
  2. Stop adding sugar to your tea / coffee.
  3. Make housework a fitness activity.  Put some music on and get cracking!  Dance like no-one is watching.  Sing out loud.
  4. Read a good motivational book and be inspired.  My recent read was Lessons I’ve Learned by Davina McCall – truly uplifting.
  5. Spend more time with people you love, don’t waste time worrying about people who don’t give back.  Negative energy is very destructive – move away from it.
  6. Get more fresh air – get those trainers on and go for a good walk.
  7. Drink more water (Aim for 2-4 litres a day!!)
  8. Treat yourself to a new healthy cookbook and try out some new recipes.  Eating more of the right stuff is an easier regime than “dieting”.  Good food is so important for fuelling the body and having energy.  I love the Lean in 15 series by Joe Wicks (The Body Coach).  The recipes are very simple and are a great example of clean eating.
  9. Have a fitness buddy – encourage a friend to join you.  Whether its a weekly walk/jog/run or you join the gym together you are far more likely to succeed together as you won’t want to let your partner down.  Don’t forget your fitness buddy could be someone you haven’t met yet – try an exercise class to meet like minded people.
  10. Do PILATES!!!  Try a Jen Benson Pilates class and see what Pilates can do for you.


A great new year goal is to choose a regular exercise activity and challenge yourself to participate every week.  Have a look at your diary and pick a slot that you feel confident are likely to attend.  Make time for your fitness activities, make it your priority.

Try not to be pulled away by some of those niggling excuses “I’m too busy”, “I’ve nothing to wear”, “I’m tired”, “I’ll start tomorrow”. You may well feel tired after a long day at work but it is proven that exercise will energise you and help you sleep better.  You will be rewarded by the way exercise makes you feel AND you will soon start to see and feel your progression.  If you attend every week for the first 6 weeks, treat yourself and then maybe set your next goal to 2 sessions of exercise per week.

Take ownership – you can make a change, now is as good a time as any to start putting yourself first.  Invest in your well being and enjoy a healthier you.  The hardest part of a new regime is committing for the long haul but once you get going, new habits form and create momentum that will carry you forward.

No-one else is going to do this for you so grab a friend and take some time out for yourself at Pilates.
Pilates has so many wonderful benefits, the main ones being:

  • Increased flexibility and mobility of the muscles and joints
  • Correct postural alignment
  • Improved coordination, stability and balance
  • Improved strength of the bones and muscles
  • Improved strength and endurance of the core postural muscles
  • Reduced stress and muscular tension
  • Increased energy levels, confidence, self-esteem
  • A sense of both physical and psychological well being
  • As a group exercise, Pilates offers a motivational environment

Classes start back Tuesday 10th January 2017!

First class free for new clients.

6 Class Passes on sale £30 giving you one class free.

Have a happy and healthy new year! Here’s to 2017

Jen xx